The Thermiksense magazine is published four times a year and reports about everything concerning free flight sports. It focuses on the international FAI-classes such as F1A, F1B, F1C, F1D, F1E and F1Q. But nevertheless the „small“ classes are not neglected. Contributions from the fields of theory and construction technology make the Thermiksense interesting for non-free-flyers as well.
The history of the Thermiksense can be download here.
- Plans and techniques
- Aerodynamics and design
- Theory and experience
- News and competition reports
- Books and sources
- Critical and entertaining contributions
- Competition dates
- National and international topics
Subscription & payment:
Every copy of Thermiksense contains approximately 60 pages (21 x 30 cm) each. The subscription rate for one year (4 issues) amounts to
Germany, Europe and world-wide surface mail |
Europe and world-wide airmail |
25 EUR |
30 EUR |
For international money transfer please use international account number:
IBAN: DE40 6001 0070 0270 3487 00
address: Postbank 701685 Stuttgart, Germany
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Cheques must be drawing on a bank with a stated address in Germany. If you would send money in a letter please send Euro preferably or US-$ alternatively. Your subscription will be continued until further notice from your side.
Quick overview of the pages:
Home | Home | |
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Die Faszination des Freiflugs Termine, Ergebnisse, Blogs Die Ausgaben der Thermiksense Abonnieren, Kontakt, wir über uns |
Shortlinks for newcomers
Fascination freeflight Dates, results, blogs Latest issue Subscription, contact, about us |
Freiflug |
Faszination und Geschichte Segelflugmodelle Gummimotormodelle Verbrennungsmotormodelle Saalflugmodelle Elektromotormodelle Hangflugmodelle |
Freeflight technology about
History and fascination Gliders Rubber power Power model Indoor rubber power Battery power Slope soaring gliders |
News | News | |
Infothek |
Segler (F1A+H) Gummimotor (F1B+G) Verbrenner (F1C+P) Saalflug (F1D+M) Hangflug (F1E) Elektroflug (F1Q+S) Katapult- & Wurfgleiter Aerodynamik, Bautechnik, Statik Elektronik Wettbewerbe, Regeln, Veranstaltungen Sonstiges Links 3D-Druck 3D-Druck Datenbank |
Info center about
Gliders (F1A+H) Rubber power (F1B+G) Power models (F1C+P) Indoor rubber power (F1D+M) Slope soaring gliders (F1E) Battery power (F1Q+S) Catapult and hand launch gliders Aerodynamis, technology, statics Electronics Competitions, rules, events Others Links 3D-Print Database for 3D-Print forms |
Hefte |
Aktuelle Ausgabe Titelseiten Inhaltsverzeichnisse Bestandsverzeichnisse Abonnement/Probeheft Download |
Current issue Front pages Table of contents Inventories Subscription / Sample issue Download of earlier issues |
Wettbewerbe |
Termine Ergebnisse Blogs |
Dates Results + picture galeries Blogs |
Specials |
Kleinanzeigen – Such und Find Zeitgeschichte Nachrichten aus Vereinen English |
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Contact form Imprint Data protection Subscription About us Readers Survey |